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Ringball is a traditional South African sport that was developed in the early 1900s. It is a non-contact team sport that combines elements of netball, basketball, and traditional indigenous games. It is not very well known outside of South Africa.

The objective of the game is to score points by passing a ball through a ring, which is placed at either end of the court. The games comprise two-halves of 25 minutes each.

The rules of ringball are similar to netball (and a netball court can be used), in which the court is divided into thirds. The nine players for each team are divided into the three sections, in each section are are three goal scorers, three center players and three defenders.

Players move the ball along the court by passing the ball to their teammates, and are not allowed to run with the ball. They cannot hold onto the ball for longer than two seconds.

The game is played by both males and females, and there are different age divisions and levels of competition. It is played at both recreational and competitive levels, with national and some international tournaments organized.

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