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Measurement of Sweat Loss

An effective and simple way to measure a person's total fluid loss is to determine body weight changes before and after exercise (see about measuring body mass). To determine just the fluid lost through sweat, the fluid intake and fluid and weight losses through going to the toilet must also be taken into account.

test purpose: calculate sweat loss by measuring body weight changes.

equipment required: body weight scales, scales for bottle weighing, marked drink bottles, urine collection containers (optional).

pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions. Prepare and weight all wter bottles to be used. Calibrate measurement scales. See more details of pre-test procedures.

sweating ladyany excess sweat on the skin should be toweled off

procedure: Start with the measure of body mass prior to exercise. Ideally this should be done without clothes on, but usually it is more appropriate to do the measure in just minimal clothing. Any volume of drinks taken during exercise will also need to be measured. You can easily do this by weighing their water bottles at the start and end of exercise. During exercise, if at any time the subject wishes to visit the toilet, their weight must be taken before and after voiding their bladder/bowels. After exercise, body weight should be taken in the same clothing as before exercise, and any excess sweat on the skin should be toweled off.

results: Total sweat loss can be determined using the following equation: sweat loss = (body weight before - body weight after) + amount of fluid intake - toilet loss. Whole body sweat rate can be calculated by dividing the sweat loss by the time period of collection.

advantages: no expensive equipment is required.



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