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This is one of the five simple rules that are the basis of the Stop Hunger Diet. Stick to these and you are well on your way to losing weight and keeping it off, and helping people too. See the other rules.

Why eat vegetarian meals?

Modern western society tends to highlight meat as the best and only source of protein in the diet. However my #3 rule of including two vegetarian meals a week will help to reduce the fat content (especially saturated fat) in the diet, as well as increase the fibre content. Vegetarian meals don't have to be 'meals without meat', in fact it is important to include an alternative source of protein like eggs, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, tofu and even nuts. These need to be included with a balanced meal of vegetables and a carbohydrate source, like rice or pasta. Eating vegetarian is cheaper as meat is a very expensive item on the grocery list. You will also be doing a favour for the environment to eat less meat, as the cattle grazing on land that could be used for growing grain has a higher carbon footprint.

Some examples are;

  • Chickpea and vegetable curry with rice
  • Risotto with cheese and nuts
  • Omelette served with grainy toast
  • Kidney bean chili con carne with rice
  • Nut loaf with roast vegetables

These meals are very satisfying, and are not just 'salad on a plate' which doesn't fill the dinner gap that most people are used to.


1. Lose Weight!

The first aim of any weight loss program is to lose weight, the second aim of course is to keep it off. Not all diets are very good at one or both of these. By following these dietician designed "Stop Hunger Diet: 5 Rules to Live By", you will lose weight, not fast, but healthily and consistently, plus you will learn good habits that will help you keep off the weight. Good luck, and let us know how you go.

2. Save Money!

Our diet guidelines are designed to find the cheaper way of eating that is healthy and lower in calories. That way you not only feel great because you are losing weight, but you are also feeling better because you have more money in your pocket. See these extra money saving dietary ideas. Any diet requires a balance between the energy input (food) and the energy output. Here are a few simple money saving exercise ideas.

3. Save Lives!

So while losing weight and feeling great yourself, why not help someone else in need. 100% of income from the advertising on the 'Stop Hunger Diet' pages will be donated to projects which support feeding the world's hungry. You don't have to do anything, just visit these pages, give some feedback, and pass on the message. Or, you can do something. Have a look at how much we have donated so far, and where the money is going.

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