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Yo-Yo Intermittent Test Results

What is it?

The Yo-Yo Intermittent Test is similar to the Yo-Yo endurance test (a variation of the beep test), except in the intermittent tests the participants have a short active break (5 or 10 seconds for the endurance and recovery versions, respectively). There are also two levels of the test (Level 1 & 2), each having a different starting speed and increments. Therefore there are four possible Yo-Yo intermittent tests that can be performed, and when viewing results it is not often mentioned which version was used. In the results presented below, the version that is used is recorded when known.

Top Scores

Comparing scores is often difficult, especially as there is more than one version and level of the yo-yo test, and all reports do not specify which version is being used.

Below are some of the test scores that have been found, with not all of them being confirmed results and the test version used not clear.

There are several ways of reporting the results, sometimes the total distance is reported, other times the number of levels and shuttles. See the page on Yo-Yo Intermittent Test Levels for more information.

Football / Soccer - males

Football / Soccer - females

AFL - men

AFL - women

Rugby League

Rugby Union

Field Hockey - Men

Field Hockey - Women






Reference: Jens Bangsbo, F. Marcello Iaia and Peter Krustrup, (2008) The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test: A Useful Tool for Evaluation of Physical Performance in Intermittent Sports, Sports Medicine 2008; 38 (1): 37-51.

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