To calculate your predicted VO2max from your 20 meter shuttle run test result, enter your level and number of shuttles for that level in the boxes below, and then click the "calculate" button. For a listing of the number of shuttles for each level, go here.
For example, if you scored 8-5 on the beep test, you would enter 8 in the first box, and 5 in the second.
But what does this mean?
- The above caluclator gives you a fitness rating based on your VO2max score, from these tables: VO2max norms for different ages.
- You can also compare it to the table of Beep Test Norms — ratings for beep test scores for all ages.
- The above calculator was developed by Topend Sports from the published tables in Ramsbottom et al. (1988) "A progressive shuttle run test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake." British Journal of Sports Medicine 22: 141-5. The calculator appears to be accurate to within 0.1 ml/kg/min of the published values.
- There is another calculation to determine VO2max using the following equation by Ahmaidi et al. (1992), where velocity is determined using the distance covered in 30 seconds during the last stage of the test.
VO2max = 31.025 + (3.238 × velocity) - (3.248 × age ) + (0.1536 × age × velocity)
Reference: Ahmaidi S, Collomp K, Caillauce C, Prefaut C (1992) Maximal and functional aerobic capacity as assessed by two graduated field methods in comparison to laboratory exercise testing in moderately trained participants. International Journal of Sports Medicine 13(3):243-248.
- There is another published calculation to determine VO2max from the beep test, using the following equation by St Clair Gibson et al. (1998), where vel equals the maximum speed achieved.
predicted VO2max = (6.0 × vel) - 24.4
Reference: St Clair Gibson A, Broomhead S, Lambert MI and Hawley JA (1998) Prediction of maximal oxygen uptake from a 20 m shuttle run as measured directly in runners and squash players. Journal of Sports Sciences 16:331-335.
- The prediction equation from Flouris et al. (2005) where vel equals the maximal attained speed.
VO2max = (vel × 6.65 - 35.8) × 0.95 + 0.182
Reference: A D Flouris, G S Metsios, Y Koutedakis, (2005) Enhancing the efficacy of the 20 m multistage shuttle run test. Br J Sports Med 39:166–170.
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- Beep Shuttle Listing — a listing of the number of runs for each level.
- Beep Test Software — provides the standard Multistage Fitness Test or Bleep Test right on your PC or Laptop, with many additional features.
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